
Entrepreneurial way to distribute products quickly and efficiently

Marketing intermediaries are organizations that help move goods and services from producers to end users and business users. Distribution channels are all marketing intermediaries, such as wholesale and retail intermediaries that join to remove and store the belt of producers and consumers. Intermediary agent or broker is marketing is marketing intermediaries who bring together sellers and buyers in negotiating a transaction, but not take over ownership of the goods. Wholesale marketing intermediaries are agents who sell to other organizations. Retailers are organizations that sell to final consumers

The basic point of the intermediary:

  1. Can be eliminated, but its activities can not be eliminated
  2. Intermediary organizations have survived in the past due to perform marketing functions faster and cheaper than the other
  3. Adding the costs of the products, but these costs are usually more than wiped out by the values ​​they create

Utility in economics is the ability to satisfy the desires of the organization or the value added to goods or services when the products are made to be more useful or more accessible to consumers than the previous. Six utilities are added to the form, time, place, property, information, and services.

  • Forms; consists of taking raw materials and changing shape, so that they become useful products
  • Time; add value to products by making these products available when needed
  • Place; add value to the product by putting in place things people want
  • Ownership; do whatever it takes to transfer ownership from one party to another party, including credit, delivery, installation, warranty and continued service
  • Information; add indigo on the product by opening the two-way flow of information marketing antarpeserta
  • Services; add value by providing a fast and friendly service after sales and after sales, by teaching customers how to best use the product with time

Wholesalers are independent companies that took over ownership of the goods they distribute, there are two types:
  • Full-service wholesaler; do all the distribution functions
  • Limited-service wholesaler; perform only certain functions, but they do very well

This type of limited types of wholesalers:

  1. A. Rack jobbers; fill the shelves full of merchandise to retailers, product display and sell goods on consignment basis
  2. Pay and take it; primarily serve retailers that are smaller with a more limited type of product
  3. Drop shipper; requesting orders from retailers and other wholesale intermediary and does not arrange for the merchandise delivered directly from the manufacturer to the buyer. Drop shipper tend to handle the goods are sold in larger sizes, such as coal, wood glondongan, and chemicals
  4. Agents and brokers differ in terms of the agents to maintain long term relationships with the parties they represent, while brokers are usually rented for a while. Agents who represent manufacturers known as the agent of manufacturers, while brokers are used by manufacturers of seasonal products and the housing industry

Intensive distribution of products to put in as many retail outlets, including mensin guards such as candy, chewing gum, cigarettes, popular magazines. Selective distribution is the use of only a privileged group of retailers in one area, such as household appliances, furniture, and clothing. Exclusive distribution is the use of only one retail store in a particular geographic area

Electronic retailing is the sale of goods and services to final consumers. Telemarketing is the sale of goods and services over the phone. Direct sales are sold to consumers at home or their workplace. Direct marketing includes any activity that directly connects manufacturers or intermediaries to the final consumer

Systems that can be used to associate companies. 
1. Distribution system of corporate, Is an entire system organsasi in a company-owned distribution channels 2. Distribution system contract, Is a system whose members are bound to work together through contracts. Forms of contractual system:
  • Franchise systems: this produces consistent quality and service levels are found in various non-profit organization
  • Chain link wholesale intermediaries
  • Cooperation retail; arrangement is similar to the chain link wholesale intermediaries, unless the system is initiated by the retailer
3. Regulated distribution system, Is a system where the producers manage all marketing functions at the retail level

4. Supply chain, Is a sequence of activities that are interrelated to be done by various organizations to move goods and services from raw material sourcing to the final consumer, among farmers, miners, suppliers of all types, manufacturers, brokers, wholesalers and retailers. Supply chain management is the process of managing the movement of raw materials, components, intermediate goods, finished goods, and related information through the entire organization is involved in the supply chain, managing the return of these items if necessary, and recycle the materials if it can

Along the passage of time, the term physical distribution tends to be replaced by a broader term that is logistics. Logistics is the marketing activities which include planning, implementing, and controlling the physical flow of materials, finished goods, relevant information from a starting point to the point of consumption to meet customer demand with a profit. Logistic brought into raw materials, packaging, other goods and services, and information from supplier to manufacturer. Material handling is the transfer of goods in the warehouse, from warehouse to the factory to various work stations. Logistic out to manage to manage the flow of goods and information to business buyers and end consumers. Logistics turn means bringing goods back to the factory because there are defects to recycle recycle materials. Third-party logistics is the term used to describe the use of outside companies to help move goods from here there

Freight forwarder is an organization that combines a lot of shipping small quantities to create one large shipment that can be cost transported to its final destination. When the truck trailers are placed on the vessel to be transported long distances with lower cost so-called fishyback. If they are placed above the plane called birdy back. Perngiriman intermodal transportation modes that use a variety of laying roads, air, water, rail, to resolve a long-distance movement of the shipment

Product storage warehouse to store products relatively long period of time. Distribution warehouse is a facility used to collect and distribute more goods, the goods in production