
Entrepreneurial way to distribute products quickly and efficiently

Marketing intermediaries are organizations that help move goods and services from producers to end users and business users. Distribution channels are all marketing intermediaries, such as wholesale and retail intermediaries that join to remove and store the belt of producers and consumers. Intermediary agent or broker is marketing is marketing intermediaries who bring together sellers and buyers in negotiating a transaction, but not take over ownership of the goods. Wholesale marketing intermediaries are agents who sell to other organizations. Retailers are organizations that sell to final consumers

The basic point of the intermediary:

  1. Can be eliminated, but its activities can not be eliminated
  2. Intermediary organizations have survived in the past due to perform marketing functions faster and cheaper than the other
  3. Adding the costs of the products, but these costs are usually more than wiped out by the values ​​they create

Utility in economics is the ability to satisfy the desires of the organization or the value added to goods or services when the products are made to be more useful or more accessible to consumers than the previous. Six utilities are added to the form, time, place, property, information, and services.

  • Forms; consists of taking raw materials and changing shape, so that they become useful products
  • Time; add value to products by making these products available when needed
  • Place; add value to the product by putting in place things people want
  • Ownership; do whatever it takes to transfer ownership from one party to another party, including credit, delivery, installation, warranty and continued service
  • Information; add indigo on the product by opening the two-way flow of information marketing antarpeserta
  • Services; add value by providing a fast and friendly service after sales and after sales, by teaching customers how to best use the product with time

Wholesalers are independent companies that took over ownership of the goods they distribute, there are two types:
  • Full-service wholesaler; do all the distribution functions
  • Limited-service wholesaler; perform only certain functions, but they do very well

This type of limited types of wholesalers:

  1. A. Rack jobbers; fill the shelves full of merchandise to retailers, product display and sell goods on consignment basis
  2. Pay and take it; primarily serve retailers that are smaller with a more limited type of product
  3. Drop shipper; requesting orders from retailers and other wholesale intermediary and does not arrange for the merchandise delivered directly from the manufacturer to the buyer. Drop shipper tend to handle the goods are sold in larger sizes, such as coal, wood glondongan, and chemicals
  4. Agents and brokers differ in terms of the agents to maintain long term relationships with the parties they represent, while brokers are usually rented for a while. Agents who represent manufacturers known as the agent of manufacturers, while brokers are used by manufacturers of seasonal products and the housing industry

Intensive distribution of products to put in as many retail outlets, including mensin guards such as candy, chewing gum, cigarettes, popular magazines. Selective distribution is the use of only a privileged group of retailers in one area, such as household appliances, furniture, and clothing. Exclusive distribution is the use of only one retail store in a particular geographic area

Electronic retailing is the sale of goods and services to final consumers. Telemarketing is the sale of goods and services over the phone. Direct sales are sold to consumers at home or their workplace. Direct marketing includes any activity that directly connects manufacturers or intermediaries to the final consumer

Systems that can be used to associate companies. 
1. Distribution system of corporate, Is an entire system organsasi in a company-owned distribution channels 2. Distribution system contract, Is a system whose members are bound to work together through contracts. Forms of contractual system:
  • Franchise systems: this produces consistent quality and service levels are found in various non-profit organization
  • Chain link wholesale intermediaries
  • Cooperation retail; arrangement is similar to the chain link wholesale intermediaries, unless the system is initiated by the retailer
3. Regulated distribution system, Is a system where the producers manage all marketing functions at the retail level

4. Supply chain, Is a sequence of activities that are interrelated to be done by various organizations to move goods and services from raw material sourcing to the final consumer, among farmers, miners, suppliers of all types, manufacturers, brokers, wholesalers and retailers. Supply chain management is the process of managing the movement of raw materials, components, intermediate goods, finished goods, and related information through the entire organization is involved in the supply chain, managing the return of these items if necessary, and recycle the materials if it can

Along the passage of time, the term physical distribution tends to be replaced by a broader term that is logistics. Logistics is the marketing activities which include planning, implementing, and controlling the physical flow of materials, finished goods, relevant information from a starting point to the point of consumption to meet customer demand with a profit. Logistic brought into raw materials, packaging, other goods and services, and information from supplier to manufacturer. Material handling is the transfer of goods in the warehouse, from warehouse to the factory to various work stations. Logistic out to manage to manage the flow of goods and information to business buyers and end consumers. Logistics turn means bringing goods back to the factory because there are defects to recycle recycle materials. Third-party logistics is the term used to describe the use of outside companies to help move goods from here there

Freight forwarder is an organization that combines a lot of shipping small quantities to create one large shipment that can be cost transported to its final destination. When the truck trailers are placed on the vessel to be transported long distances with lower cost so-called fishyback. If they are placed above the plane called birdy back. Perngiriman intermodal transportation modes that use a variety of laying roads, air, water, rail, to resolve a long-distance movement of the shipment

Product storage warehouse to store products relatively long period of time. Distribution warehouse is a facility used to collect and distribute more goods, the goods in production

Entrepreneurship and Starting Small Business

Entrepreneurship and Starting a Small BusinessEntrepreneurship is the mental attitude and spirit that is always active or creative helpless, bercipta, berkarsa and bersaahaja in trying to increase revenue in a credible form of business or their work. A person who has the entrepreneurial spirit and attitude is not always satisfied with what he had accomplished. From time to time, day after day, week after minggi always looking for opportunities to improve business and life. He always create and innovate without stopping, because with all the creativity and innovation is the opportunity to obtain.

Entrepreneur is business opportunities

Entrepreneur is a person skilled in developing business opportunities with the aim to improve their lives. Entrepreneurial process is a function includes all activities and actions to pursue and exploit opportunities by creating an organization. The term self-employment and self-employed are often used simultaneously, despite having a slightly different substance.

The essence of entrepreneurship

The essence of entrepreneurship is the ability to create new and different thing else (create new and different) through creative thinking and innovative action to create opportunities for the challenges of life. By the very nature of entrepreneurship is the nature, characteristics, and the character of a person who has the will to realize innovative ideas into real world creatively.

Of some of the concepts that exist there are 6 essential essence of entrepreneurship is as follows:
  1. Entrepreneurship is a value that is embodied in conduct that formed the basis of resources, labor force, goals, tactics, tips, processes, and business results.
  2. Entrepreneurship is the ability to create something new and different.
  3. Entrepreneurship is a process of applying creativity and innovation in solving problems and finding opportunities to improve life.
  4. Entrepreneurship is a value required to start a business (start-up phase) and the development of business (venture growth).
  5. Entrepreneurship is a process of doing something new (creative), and something different (Inovative) is useful to give more value.
  6. Entrepreneurship is an attempt to create additional value by combining resources through new ways and different in order to win the competition. The added value can be created by developing new technologies, discovering new knowledge, finding new ways to produce new goods and services more efficient, improve products and services that already exist, and finding new ways to give satisfaction to the consumer.

Based on the above six concepts, entrepreneurship can be defined briefly as something creative and innovative capabilities (create new and different) are used as tips, foundation, resources, processes and struggle to create value-added goods and services that are performed with the courage to face the risks.

Entrepreneurial In terms of behavioral characteristics

In terms of behavioral characteristics, Entrepreneurial are those who establish, manage, develop, and instituted his own company. Entrepreneurs are those who can create work for others with berswadaya. This definition contains the assumption that every person who has a normal capacity, could be the origin entrepreneurs willing and have the opportunity to learn and try. Entrepreneurship involves two principal elements, namely, the opportunity and ability to respond to opportunities, Under these conditions, the definition of entrepreneurship is "a response to business opportunities that unfold in a set of actions and efforts to fruition in the form of an institutionalized organization, productive and innovative. Build an entrepreneur is an exciting challenge.


Implementing Entrepreneurship Process

Entrepreneurship stages generally perform entrepreneurial stages:

  1. Stage start, the stage where someone is going to make effort to prepare all things necessary, start by looking at a possible new business opportunities are opening a new business, make acquisitions, or franchising. Also choose the type of business to be done whether in agriculture, industrial / manufacturing / production or services.
  2. Phase conduct business or summarized by stage "road", this stage of an entrepreneur to manage the various aspects associated with its business, including the following aspects: finance, human resources, ownership, organization, leadership, including how to take risks and make decisions, marketing, and evaluation.
  3. Maintain the business, the stage where the entrepreneur based on the results achieved to analyze progress achieved to be followed up in accordance with the conditions encountered
  4. Develop a business, the stage where if the results are classified as positive or have developed or be able to survive the expansion of business into one of the options that may be taken.

According to Carol Noore cited by Bygrave , beginning with the entrepreneurial process of innovation. Innovation is dipengeruhi by various factors both from private and out of personal, such as education, sociology, organization, culture and environment. These factors form the locus of control, creativity, keinovasian, implementation, and growth then berkembangan be a great entrepreneur. Internally, keinovasian bersal influenced by factors of the individual, such as locus of control, tolerance, values, education, experience. While environmental factors that influence comes from such role models, activities, and opportunities. Therefore, an advanced berkembangan innovation through a process dipengrauhi entrepreneurial environment,organization and family

Entrepreneurs Who Create Creativity and Innovation

Entrepreneurs Who Create Creativity and Innovation. Entrepreneurs are able to create superior creativity and innovation as the basis for life, grow and generally have characteristics or traits that are long-term process based on experience and education. Some of the inherent characteristics of entrepreneurs themselves (Zimmerer, and Scarborough, 1998; Kuratko & Hoodgets, 2007) as follows:

  • Desire for responsibility,Superior entrepreneurial feel personally responsible for the business which he did. They are more in control of resources and resource use those resources to achieve goals. Entrepreneurs who succeed in the long run must have a sense of responsibility for the work done. Ability to bear the business risks such as: financial risk, engineering risks sometimes appear, so the entrepreneur must be able to minimize the risk.
  • Tolerance for ambiguity, When the business activities carried out, necessarily would have to relate to others, whether with employees, customers, suppliers, supplier, dealer, community, and formal legal rules. Entrepreneurs should be able to keep and maintain good relations with stakeholders. The diversity of entrepreneurship is something that ordinary hat. The ability to accept diversity is. A hallmark of entrepreneurship in order to maintain the viability of business or company in the long run.
  • Vision, Successful entrepreneurs always have goals, clear objectives must be achieved in the future are measurable. Vision is the philosophy, goals and motivations why life companies, and entrepreneurs will translate into the goals, policies, budgets, and working procedures are clear. Entrepreneurial vision of the future are not clear like the one that runs without a clear direction, so the tendency to fail is very high.
  • Tolerance for failurer, A successful business requires hard work, sacrifice, balk when the cost and effort. Entrepreneurs who are familiar with the creativity and innovation are sometimes or even often experience failure. Long process in achieving that success will enhance the personality of tolerance to business failure.
  • Internal locus of control, In the human self is no ability to control who is affected by the internal self. Entrepreneurs who excel are those that have the ability to control themselves from within itself. The rigors of life stress, binis competition, rapid change in the business world will increase pressures balk psychiatric mental, moral and everyday life. Entrepreneurs who are able to control themselves will be able to survive in an increasingly complex business world.
  • Continuous Improvement, Successful entrepreneurs are always positive, regard it as something valuable experience and continuous improvement. Employers are always new things mencarihal will balk benefit in the short and long term. Entrepreneurs have the power, the desire to engage in innovative adventure that will bring beneficial consequences in the future.
  • Preference for moderate risk, In life trying, always dealing with the intensity of entrepreneurial risk. The nature of entrepreneurship in the face of risk can be classified into three kinds of properties to take the risk, the risk seeking (people who like the high-risk), moderate risk (those who possess love to take moderate risk) and risk averse (people like to avoid having the nature of risk ) In general, successful entrepreneurs have the ability to choose a moderate risk / moderate, where when making a decision requires careful consideration, this is in line with the entrepreneurial risk that if a failure on their own responsibility. Entrepreneurs will see a business with a customized level of personal understanding environmental change (Zimmerer, and Scarborough, 1998)
  • Confidence in their ability to success, Entrepreneurs generally have a fairly high confidence in the ability of self to succeed. They have high trust for meiakukan many things to balk and success. They tend to be optimistic on the chances of success and optimism, usually based on reality. Without the belief and confidence to succeed to the challenge will lower the morale of doing business.
  • Desire for immediate feedback, Rapid developments in the life of menunut entrepreneurial venture to anticipate the rapid changes taking place in order to survive and thrive. Entrepreneurs in general have a desire to get a response or feedback to a problem. Competition is so tight in the demanding business world to think smarter, faster response to change. Entrepreneurs have a tendency to find out how well it works and seek recognition for continuous achievement.
  • High energy level, Entrepreneurs in general have a high enough energy in conducting business activities in line with the risk that he would go through. Entrepreneurial in spirit or energy is quite high compared to most people. Risk to be borne alone encourage entrepreneurs to work hard and within a period of time. Passionate and able to use the power of motion, tenacious perseverance and not easily discouraged.
  • Future orientation, Uncertain business profits always encourage entrepreneurship see opportunities, appreciate the time and of the future-oriented. Entrepreneurs have a tendency to see what will be done today and tomorrow, not such a fuss over what was done yesterday. Unggui entrepreneurs who are always trying to predict future changes in order to improve business performance.
  • Skill at organizing, Building a business from scratch requires the ability to organize resources in the form of economic resources and tangible resources to intangible economic benefit maximum. Entrepreneurial organizations have expertise in conducting balk people and goods. Superior entrepreneurial ability of the portfolio when it has sufficient resources to survive high and growing.
  • High Commitment, Bring up a new business requires a high commitment to succeed. Discipline in work and in general entrepreneurs immerse themselves in these activities to the success of his ideals. Scarborough, et.all (2006) reveals step, the final step to enhance the creativity of an entrepreneur entrepreneurship is the driving force "work, work, work, ...."
  • Flexibility, Rapid change in the business world requires entrepreneurs to be able to adjust to the changes if it wants to succeed. The ability to adapt to the changing environment is a basic capital in the attempt, grow and succeed. Flexibility in touch with colleagues such as the ability to adjust to the behavior of other entrepreneurs, the ability to negotiate with colleagues to reflect the competence of entrepreneurial excellence.


Basic Concept of Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship first appeared in the 18th century begins with new inventions like the steam engine, spinning machine, etc.. Their primary goal is growth and expansion of the organization through innovation and creativity. Profits and wealth are not the main goal. Simply meaning entrepreneurs (entrepreneur) was a soul willing to take risks to open a business in a variety of occasions-inclined take risks means independent minded and dare to start a business, without fearful or anxious even in uncertain conditions. (Kasmir, 2007: 18).

Understanding of entrepreneurship

Understanding of entrepreneurship vary relative to experts / resource reference with the emphasis of attention or emphasis is different, including the creation of new organizations (Gartner, 1988), running a combination of (activity) a new one (Schumpeter, 1934), exploration of various opportunities (Kirzner, 1973), uncertainty (Knight, 1921), and getting together the factors of production (Say, 1803).
Some of the definitions of entrepreneurship are as follows:
  • Richard Cantillon (1775)

Entrepreneurship is defined as the work itself (self-employment). An entrepreneur currently buy at a certain price and sell it in the days to come up with an uncertain price. So the definition is more emphasis on how a person at risk or uncertainty
  • Say Jean Baptista (1816)

An entrepreneur is the agent that brings together a variety of means of production and find the value of production.
  • Frank Knight (1921)

Entrepreneurs attempt to predict and respond to market changes. This definition emphasizes the role of entrepreneurs in the face of uncertainty in the market dynamics. A worausahawan required to implement basic managerial functions such as direction and control
  • Joseph Schumpeter (1934)

The entrepreneur is an innovator who implements perubahanperubahan in the market through new combinations.
The new combination in the form
(1) introducing a new product or a new quality,
(2) introduce new production methods,
(3) open a new market (new market),
(4) Obtain a new supply source of new materials or components, or
(5) run a new organization in an industry. Schumpeter linking entrepreneurs with innovative concepts that are applied in a business context and to link it with a combination of resources.
  • Penrose (1963)

Activities include the identification of entrepreneurial opportunities in the economic system. Capacity or managerial capacity is different from entrepreneurial capacities.
  • Harvey Leibenstein (1968, 1979)

Entrepreneurship includes activities kegiatann needed to create or perform any company at the market yet or have not been clearly identified, or a component of the production function is not known completely.
  • Israel Kirzner (1979)

Entrepreneurs recognize and act on market opportunities. Entrepreneurship Center at Miami University of Ohio Entrepreneurship as a process of identifying, mengembangkaan, and bring the vision to life. It could be a vision of innovative ideas, opportunities, a better way in doing something. Hasila end of the process is the creation of new businesses formed in conditions of risk or uncertainty.
  • Peter F. Drucker

Entrepreneurship is the ability to create something new and different. Understanding the intent that an entrepreneur is a person who has the ability to create something new, different from the others. Or able to create something different from what already exists.
  • Zimmerer

Entrepreneurship as a process of applying creativity and innovation in solving problems and finding opportunities to improve the lives of (business).

Conclusions entrepreneurship

One of the conclusions to be drawn from a variety of understandings is that entrepreneurship is seen as a function that includes the exploitation peluangpeluang that appear on the market. Exploitation is mostly associated with the direction and or a combination of productive inputs. An entrepreneur is always required to be at risk or opportunities that arise and are often associated with creative and innovative action. Entrepreneurs are people who change the value of the resources, manpower, materials and other production factors become bigger than ever and also the person who made the changes, innovations and new ways. In addition, an entrepreneur running a managerial role in its activities, but the routine management of ongoing operations are not classified as entrepreneurial. An individual may indicate the function of entrepreneurship as an organizational form, but then run the managerial functions without running the entrepreneurial function. So entrepreneurship is temporary or conditional bias. Another conclusion of entrepreneurship is the process of creating something different value by using the effort and time required, assume financial risk, and social psychology that accompanies it, and receive monetary rewards and personal satisfaction.
The term came later after the entrepreneur and the entrepreneurial equivalent since the beginning some people are less comfortable with the word private. Perceptions about the same as self-employed entrepreneurs as the equivalent of an entrepreneur. The difference is the emphasis on independence (private) on the entrepreneur and the venture (business) on entrepreneurship. The term entrepreneur is now more widely used mainly because it is the emphasis on business terms. However given the challenges faced by youth today many in the field of employment, the self-employed education leads to survival and independence should be more highlighted.

Perception of entrepreneurship and self-employed

Slight differences in the perception of entrepreneurship and self-employed should be understood, especially by the teachers so that the direction and goals of education provided is incorrect. If that expected from the education given individual is a person who is more mentally or steel or other words to have more emotional intelligence (EQ) and kecerdasarn advirsity (AQ) whose role is to live (life's challenges and life) is more appropriate entrepreneurial education. Conversely, if the direction and purpose of education is to produce individuals who are more astute person in business or money, or to be more financially intelligent (FQ) is a more appropriate is entrepreneurship education. Because both aspects are equally important, the education provided is now more likely that these two aspects of using the word entrepreneur. Perception of entrepreneurs now covers both aspects of financial and personal, social, and professional (Soesarsono, 2002: 48)

Obstacles in entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship in the run would have been no mudah.Banyak constraints we face in living tips that have been outlined in atas.Kendala - obstacles we might face the possibility of a failure to pick up new business opportunities is the lack of objectivity, seeking ideas for products or services .

Lack of proximity to the markets we enter will also merupakn permasalahan.Apabila we do not know how we are going to enter the field, how can we begin berlaga.Selain this, understanding the technical requirements are not adequate may also be an obstacle to start entrepreneurship.

Neglect of financial need is one of the fundamental obstacles. Sometimes we do not really memilirkan in depth and detailed financial requirements for the development and production.

Besides the things that have been outlined above, the lack of creativity and inofasi can also cause a lack of product differentiation in this pasaran.Hal certainly can not guarantee, entrepreneurs have certain advantages that differentiate it from competitors - other competitors.

Seven Steps to be Entrepreneurial

When we read the newspapers about the job, it turns out a lot of job offers posted, however this is not balanced by labor unemployment more numerous or for those who already have jobs, living standards were still flared flowers.

Entrepreneurship is one of the alternatives in out of the above problems. However, being an entrepreneur is not mudah.Ada tips - tips for success in entrepreneurship.

  1. Of the tips in entrepreneurship is to maintain the purpose of business or company that we built in order to always be obvious. One disadvantage of small firms are those that are still rarely have clear goals they will accomplish. Every business should have a definite purpose.
  2. In entrepreneurship have a clear picture of financial transactions. An entrepreneur must have a complete picture of their business / company. Many small businesses fail because they do not have adequate bookkeeping, often ignoring the activities of recording financial transactions.
  3. Good to know the breakeven point. An entrepreneur must know whether he makes a profit or loss. The best way to find out is by using the method of break-even point. By knowing this diagram we can determine the level of money-losing operations and the number of transactions that can make us a profit.
  4. Try as much as possible material cost as cheap-cheap. Victory in the competition depends on a factor that is produced * with low cost and can sell at high prices. Thus producing a low cost to be enabled and cultivated.
  5. Remove anything that is not required. Established entrepreneurs are always paying attention to setting the machine, material and efficient labor for profit. There are three rules are apt to get rid of everything that you do not need that one, do not save something that you should not need. Both Do not say something you should not have to say and Third Do not write something that you should write swordfish.
  6. A high efficiency and high wages. If you have employees then use all the skills and strengths, so that they can work well and take pride in their work. Satisfaction and pride in encouraging higher efficiency.
  7. Pioneer to always obtain greater profits. Employers have always been capable of specificity, they do not make the same goods and services as it has no market, but how to find other ways to make it so that it could give particulars of higher profits. Avoid entry into a kind of business that has been packed. Unless you can create its own specificity so that it becomes interesting.