
Basic Concept of Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship first appeared in the 18th century begins with new inventions like the steam engine, spinning machine, etc.. Their primary goal is growth and expansion of the organization through innovation and creativity. Profits and wealth are not the main goal. Simply meaning entrepreneurs (entrepreneur) was a soul willing to take risks to open a business in a variety of occasions-inclined take risks means independent minded and dare to start a business, without fearful or anxious even in uncertain conditions. (Kasmir, 2007: 18).

Understanding of entrepreneurship

Understanding of entrepreneurship vary relative to experts / resource reference with the emphasis of attention or emphasis is different, including the creation of new organizations (Gartner, 1988), running a combination of (activity) a new one (Schumpeter, 1934), exploration of various opportunities (Kirzner, 1973), uncertainty (Knight, 1921), and getting together the factors of production (Say, 1803).
Some of the definitions of entrepreneurship are as follows:
  • Richard Cantillon (1775)

Entrepreneurship is defined as the work itself (self-employment). An entrepreneur currently buy at a certain price and sell it in the days to come up with an uncertain price. So the definition is more emphasis on how a person at risk or uncertainty
  • Say Jean Baptista (1816)

An entrepreneur is the agent that brings together a variety of means of production and find the value of production.
  • Frank Knight (1921)

Entrepreneurs attempt to predict and respond to market changes. This definition emphasizes the role of entrepreneurs in the face of uncertainty in the market dynamics. A worausahawan required to implement basic managerial functions such as direction and control
  • Joseph Schumpeter (1934)

The entrepreneur is an innovator who implements perubahanperubahan in the market through new combinations.
The new combination in the form
(1) introducing a new product or a new quality,
(2) introduce new production methods,
(3) open a new market (new market),
(4) Obtain a new supply source of new materials or components, or
(5) run a new organization in an industry. Schumpeter linking entrepreneurs with innovative concepts that are applied in a business context and to link it with a combination of resources.
  • Penrose (1963)

Activities include the identification of entrepreneurial opportunities in the economic system. Capacity or managerial capacity is different from entrepreneurial capacities.
  • Harvey Leibenstein (1968, 1979)

Entrepreneurship includes activities kegiatann needed to create or perform any company at the market yet or have not been clearly identified, or a component of the production function is not known completely.
  • Israel Kirzner (1979)

Entrepreneurs recognize and act on market opportunities. Entrepreneurship Center at Miami University of Ohio Entrepreneurship as a process of identifying, mengembangkaan, and bring the vision to life. It could be a vision of innovative ideas, opportunities, a better way in doing something. Hasila end of the process is the creation of new businesses formed in conditions of risk or uncertainty.
  • Peter F. Drucker

Entrepreneurship is the ability to create something new and different. Understanding the intent that an entrepreneur is a person who has the ability to create something new, different from the others. Or able to create something different from what already exists.
  • Zimmerer

Entrepreneurship as a process of applying creativity and innovation in solving problems and finding opportunities to improve the lives of (business).

Conclusions entrepreneurship

One of the conclusions to be drawn from a variety of understandings is that entrepreneurship is seen as a function that includes the exploitation peluangpeluang that appear on the market. Exploitation is mostly associated with the direction and or a combination of productive inputs. An entrepreneur is always required to be at risk or opportunities that arise and are often associated with creative and innovative action. Entrepreneurs are people who change the value of the resources, manpower, materials and other production factors become bigger than ever and also the person who made the changes, innovations and new ways. In addition, an entrepreneur running a managerial role in its activities, but the routine management of ongoing operations are not classified as entrepreneurial. An individual may indicate the function of entrepreneurship as an organizational form, but then run the managerial functions without running the entrepreneurial function. So entrepreneurship is temporary or conditional bias. Another conclusion of entrepreneurship is the process of creating something different value by using the effort and time required, assume financial risk, and social psychology that accompanies it, and receive monetary rewards and personal satisfaction.
The term came later after the entrepreneur and the entrepreneurial equivalent since the beginning some people are less comfortable with the word private. Perceptions about the same as self-employed entrepreneurs as the equivalent of an entrepreneur. The difference is the emphasis on independence (private) on the entrepreneur and the venture (business) on entrepreneurship. The term entrepreneur is now more widely used mainly because it is the emphasis on business terms. However given the challenges faced by youth today many in the field of employment, the self-employed education leads to survival and independence should be more highlighted.

Perception of entrepreneurship and self-employed

Slight differences in the perception of entrepreneurship and self-employed should be understood, especially by the teachers so that the direction and goals of education provided is incorrect. If that expected from the education given individual is a person who is more mentally or steel or other words to have more emotional intelligence (EQ) and kecerdasarn advirsity (AQ) whose role is to live (life's challenges and life) is more appropriate entrepreneurial education. Conversely, if the direction and purpose of education is to produce individuals who are more astute person in business or money, or to be more financially intelligent (FQ) is a more appropriate is entrepreneurship education. Because both aspects are equally important, the education provided is now more likely that these two aspects of using the word entrepreneur. Perception of entrepreneurs now covers both aspects of financial and personal, social, and professional (Soesarsono, 2002: 48)