
Entrepreneurs Who Create Creativity and Innovation

Entrepreneurs Who Create Creativity and Innovation. Entrepreneurs are able to create superior creativity and innovation as the basis for life, grow and generally have characteristics or traits that are long-term process based on experience and education. Some of the inherent characteristics of entrepreneurs themselves (Zimmerer, and Scarborough, 1998; Kuratko & Hoodgets, 2007) as follows:

  • Desire for responsibility,Superior entrepreneurial feel personally responsible for the business which he did. They are more in control of resources and resource use those resources to achieve goals. Entrepreneurs who succeed in the long run must have a sense of responsibility for the work done. Ability to bear the business risks such as: financial risk, engineering risks sometimes appear, so the entrepreneur must be able to minimize the risk.
  • Tolerance for ambiguity, When the business activities carried out, necessarily would have to relate to others, whether with employees, customers, suppliers, supplier, dealer, community, and formal legal rules. Entrepreneurs should be able to keep and maintain good relations with stakeholders. The diversity of entrepreneurship is something that ordinary hat. The ability to accept diversity is. A hallmark of entrepreneurship in order to maintain the viability of business or company in the long run.
  • Vision, Successful entrepreneurs always have goals, clear objectives must be achieved in the future are measurable. Vision is the philosophy, goals and motivations why life companies, and entrepreneurs will translate into the goals, policies, budgets, and working procedures are clear. Entrepreneurial vision of the future are not clear like the one that runs without a clear direction, so the tendency to fail is very high.
  • Tolerance for failurer, A successful business requires hard work, sacrifice, balk when the cost and effort. Entrepreneurs who are familiar with the creativity and innovation are sometimes or even often experience failure. Long process in achieving that success will enhance the personality of tolerance to business failure.
  • Internal locus of control, In the human self is no ability to control who is affected by the internal self. Entrepreneurs who excel are those that have the ability to control themselves from within itself. The rigors of life stress, binis competition, rapid change in the business world will increase pressures balk psychiatric mental, moral and everyday life. Entrepreneurs who are able to control themselves will be able to survive in an increasingly complex business world.
  • Continuous Improvement, Successful entrepreneurs are always positive, regard it as something valuable experience and continuous improvement. Employers are always new things mencarihal will balk benefit in the short and long term. Entrepreneurs have the power, the desire to engage in innovative adventure that will bring beneficial consequences in the future.
  • Preference for moderate risk, In life trying, always dealing with the intensity of entrepreneurial risk. The nature of entrepreneurship in the face of risk can be classified into three kinds of properties to take the risk, the risk seeking (people who like the high-risk), moderate risk (those who possess love to take moderate risk) and risk averse (people like to avoid having the nature of risk ) In general, successful entrepreneurs have the ability to choose a moderate risk / moderate, where when making a decision requires careful consideration, this is in line with the entrepreneurial risk that if a failure on their own responsibility. Entrepreneurs will see a business with a customized level of personal understanding environmental change (Zimmerer, and Scarborough, 1998)
  • Confidence in their ability to success, Entrepreneurs generally have a fairly high confidence in the ability of self to succeed. They have high trust for meiakukan many things to balk and success. They tend to be optimistic on the chances of success and optimism, usually based on reality. Without the belief and confidence to succeed to the challenge will lower the morale of doing business.
  • Desire for immediate feedback, Rapid developments in the life of menunut entrepreneurial venture to anticipate the rapid changes taking place in order to survive and thrive. Entrepreneurs in general have a desire to get a response or feedback to a problem. Competition is so tight in the demanding business world to think smarter, faster response to change. Entrepreneurs have a tendency to find out how well it works and seek recognition for continuous achievement.
  • High energy level, Entrepreneurs in general have a high enough energy in conducting business activities in line with the risk that he would go through. Entrepreneurial in spirit or energy is quite high compared to most people. Risk to be borne alone encourage entrepreneurs to work hard and within a period of time. Passionate and able to use the power of motion, tenacious perseverance and not easily discouraged.
  • Future orientation, Uncertain business profits always encourage entrepreneurship see opportunities, appreciate the time and of the future-oriented. Entrepreneurs have a tendency to see what will be done today and tomorrow, not such a fuss over what was done yesterday. Unggui entrepreneurs who are always trying to predict future changes in order to improve business performance.
  • Skill at organizing, Building a business from scratch requires the ability to organize resources in the form of economic resources and tangible resources to intangible economic benefit maximum. Entrepreneurial organizations have expertise in conducting balk people and goods. Superior entrepreneurial ability of the portfolio when it has sufficient resources to survive high and growing.
  • High Commitment, Bring up a new business requires a high commitment to succeed. Discipline in work and in general entrepreneurs immerse themselves in these activities to the success of his ideals. Scarborough, et.all (2006) reveals step, the final step to enhance the creativity of an entrepreneur entrepreneurship is the driving force "work, work, work, ...."
  • Flexibility, Rapid change in the business world requires entrepreneurs to be able to adjust to the changes if it wants to succeed. The ability to adapt to the changing environment is a basic capital in the attempt, grow and succeed. Flexibility in touch with colleagues such as the ability to adjust to the behavior of other entrepreneurs, the ability to negotiate with colleagues to reflect the competence of entrepreneurial excellence.